Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Help Wanted - Inquire Within

If this chapter is to survive, we must fill these volunteer posts that are empty or soon to be empty:

Newsletter Editor - creates a newsletter which is distributed via email to those who have email and by USPS to those who do not have computer Internet access. Also keeps track of the membership database although that could (and probably should) be spun out to a separate volunteer post.

Treasurer - Takes care of chapter finances, notifies membership database person of any new membership dues that are sent to the chapter, etc.

Chair - I took on this post in September of 2007 and will step down in September of 2008. It involves answering the email that comes to the chapter email address, planning and scheduling chapter meetings and events, coordinating the efforts of chapter volunteers, etc. I'd be happy to give an orientation to my successor, whoever that may be. In fact, I'm fairly sure any of the volunteers who have formerly held any of the offices listed here would be happy to help new volunteers come up-to-speed on what the job duties are and what has worked best in the past.

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