Monday, May 7, 2007

Chapter tours

CRFGers came from all over the Bay Area and beyond on Sunday for 2 great Golden Gate chapter tours.

Tom showed us the plantings of white sapotes, passion fruit, capulin cherries and other subtropicals, large and small, that he’s shoehorned into spaces in otherwise “normal” gardens. He says the climate in El Cerrito is good for cherimoyas, and showed us this giant specimen to prove it.

Later, we visited Idell’s fantastic, ever-evolving garden. Incredible variety—yesterday she gave a talk on birds in her garden and another on butterflies, earlier today she was one of the stops on the big Bring Back the Natives tour, and she still had the energy to take us around to see her fruit plantings.

Thanks to them both! Made me want to run right home and get to work.

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